Subsidiary Companies

TGR (Import & Export) LogoEstablished in 2011, the company was setup to handle the importing of Ironmongery, Tools, Fasteners, Wire Products and Household sundries from China, India, Taiwan and other countries throughout Asia. This had previously been part of the wholesale business which had stretched back over 100 years. As part of our function we invest directly into overseas factories to ensure on time, quality production, at competitive prices. For further details please visit

TGR_UK_LOGOEstablished in 2014, TGR (UK) was setup to handle the importing of Ironmongery, Building Products, Tools, Fasteners, Wire Products and Household sundries from China. TGR UK handles large volume orders on behalf of our customers in the UK and Europe Providing procurement advice, supplier investigation and quality control from our Shanghai office. We offer our services as an extension of our customers buying team and can support with as little or as much help as the customer requires. For further details please visit

Tiger LogoEstablished in 2015, Tiger Building Products was setup as a joint venture to support distribution businesses who supply Ironmongery and Hardware products within the UK. Tiger offer a guaranteed supply of hinges, levers and Ironmongery from of some of Asia’s largest manufacturers all ex-stock from our UK warehouse. Our unique position as a joint venture supplier allows us to respond quickly and efficiently to customer requests. For further details please visit

Established 1857